
resumé writing

resumé writing
jumping over a gap
Career Gaps in Resumes - Positive Reframing
Learn to turn career gaps into assets in your resume with effective reframing techniques and confidence.
suit fabric
Resume Customization for each Job - The Key to Success
Maximize Job Success - Essential Tips for Tailoring Your Resume to Each Application
Language Skills - How to Showcase them on Your Resume?
Elevate your resume by effectively showcasing your education and certifications, aligning them with your professional journey
Job Experience in Resume - Strategies for Highlighting Your Career Progress
Master the art of detailing job experience in your resume with tips for highlighting skills and achievements that catch the eye.
Education and Certifications - How to Present them on Your Resume
Elevate your resume by effectively showcasing your education and certifications, aligning them with your professional journey
Action Verbs in Resumes - Enhance Your Job Application Effectively
Boost your resume with the right action verbs. Discover how to showcase your achievements and grab attention.
remote work
Resume Writing in the Age of Remote Work - What's Changed?
Master resume writing for remote work. Discover tips to reflect your home-office efficiency and attract potential employers!
The Role of Design in Modern Resumes
Discover how strategic design choices, from typography to visual hierarchy, can transform your resume into a powerful career tool.
Hobbies in a Resume - What Should You Write and What Not?
Make the most of your potential by presenting your hobbies and writing an excellent resume. We have compiled the most important facts, examples, and common mistakes.
Resume Types - Choose the Right One for You!
There are many types of resumes, and choosing the right one is difficult. We help you navigate through the different types to make your choice easier.
Skills and Competences in a Resume
Highlight your unique skills and competencies in your resume to outshine in the selection process and showcase your true potential.
Introduction in the CV - what should I write about myself?
The introduction is key to making a first impression. We've put together some tips to help you write the perfect personal profile!
taking photo
Photo on CV - how do I take a good picture of myself?
Tips and tricks for using photos in your CV. When to use a photo and when not to. How to photograph yourself for the right result?
man with his suitcase watching a plane takeoff
Ultimate Resume Guide with Professional Tips and Examples
Master resume writing with our guide - tips, samples, and insights for every section of your CV